Skill Fire 2017-04-28 2017-04-28 by Gerald Zhang-Schmidt Leave a Reply Cancel replyYour email address will not be published. Required fields are marked. *Comment * Name * Email * Website Δ This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Learn how your comment data is processed.
Welcome “Easy”. “Simple”. “Just Minutes a Day”. Life hacks are a lot like prayer. It used to be that you were sinful and had to repent. So, lest you end up in hell, you asked forgiveness by saying your 15 Holy…
The Eternity of Skills: Fire We keep being told that children will need to learn completely different skills from the ones being taught now. The world, supposedly, will look completely different ever so soon. Meanwhile, many of our problems come from an ignorance of basics.…
Be a Cynic … if that’s your thing. It makes life beautiful. When others bemoan how terrible people are, you’ll know how much worse they could be, and smile. There are good sides to just about every personality. In fact, who…
To Pursue Happiness? Try More, Chase Less If you want to find happiness, you must give yourself chances to stumble upon it. So much virtual and actual ink is being spilled, so many hours of advice are being given, all in the pursuit of happiness. The more…
When you focus on what you want,… …everything else falls away. Lovely saying. Flow is great. Focus is a skill. (Cal Newport would tell you it’s the new superpower. Here’s an affiliate link to his book “Deep Work” on Amazon; it’s worth the read!) As always with…